LD 1677
pg. 126
Page 125 of 149 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 127 of 149
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LR 2150
Item 1

the right to refuse to sell additional equipment to a political
subdivision, educational institution, fire department or qualifying
nonprofit organization if it is determined that the political
subdivision, educational institution, fire department or qualifying
nonprofit organization has not retained the equipment for the
required period of 6 months;

Sec. H-9. 5 MRSA §1813-A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 37, §§2 and 3;
c. 545, §5; and c. 689, Pt. B, §6, is repealed.

Sec. H-10. 5 MRSA c. 155-A is enacted to read:





§1827.__Powers; Bureau of General Services

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services,
through the Bureau of General Services, may establish the Central
Services Division in the Bureau of General Services for the
purpose of operating the postal service, central copy and
duplicating service, central warehouse, surplus property service
and central mail room.__The Bureau of General Services may:

1.__Postal service. Purchase or contract for all postal
service required for the use of State Government or any
department or agency thereof;

2. Central copy and duplicating. Establish and conduct a
central printing service, copy service and audio-visual service
at the seat of government. Such services must be available to all
departments and agencies of State Government. The Director of the
Bureau of General Services may make charges to those departments
and agencies of State Government making use of the facilities and
supplies of the central printing service;

3. Central warehouse. Establish and operate, with the approval
of the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services, a
warehouse that, in the judgment of the Director of the Bureau of
General Services, is determined necessary for the storage and
distribution of supplies, materials and equipment by resale,
rental or other method, required for use by State Government or
any department or agency, or any political subdivision or school
administrative unit. In accordance with section 1587, the
Director of the Bureau of General Services may

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