LD 1677
pg. 129
Page 128 of 149 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 130 of 149
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LR 2150
Item 1

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services is
designated as the state agency to receive and distribute federal
surplus property that may become available for distribution to
eligible recipients within this State. The department, through
the Bureau of General Services, may acquire, warehouse, allocate
and distribute surplus government property to all recipients
within the State who have been or who may later be designated as
eligible to receive such surplus property by the Congress of the
United States or any other federal official empowered to make
such determination. The Commissioner of Administrative and
Financial Services may enter into cooperative agreements with any
duly authorized federal official to carry out the purposes of
this section.

Upon transfer of surplus property to an eligible recipient,
the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall
charge and receive from that recipient money sufficient to cover
the acquisition, warehousing, handling, administrative and
delivery costs chargeable to that property. The commissioner
shall employ and assign such supervisory and clerical personnel
as may be necessary to carry out this section, subject to the
Civil Service Law.

§1830.__Central Fleet Management Division

1.__Division established. The Central Fleet Management
Division is established in the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services, Bureau of General Services for the purpose of
acquiring, maintaining and managing vehicles for use by State
Government and its employees on official state business, except
the Department of Public Safety. The Central Fleet Management
Division shall rent or lease vehicles to agencies, except the
Department of Public Safety, in accordance with an established
rate structure. Revenues derived from operations must be used to
acquire, replace and maintain vehicles; adequately staff the
Central Fleet Management Division; pay for required space; and
otherwise provide for the overall operation of the Central Fleet
Management Division. Department vehicles that exceed the car,
light duty truck and special use vehicle specifications are
exempt from this section, but must be reported in accordance with
this section. For the purposes of this section, the terms "car,"
"light duty truck" and "special use vehicle" refer to vehicles
with gross vehicle weight rating less than 10,000 pounds.

2.__Agency program requirements. The Bureau of General
Services shall work closely with all departments and agencies to
identify annual transportation and vehicle usage requirements to
ensure that agency program requirements are met to the maximum
extent possible. The bureau shall:

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