LD 1677
pg. 147
Page 146 of 149 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 148 of 149
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LR 2150
Item 1

percentage of revolving fund proceeds into the endowment and to use
the principal and interest to fund museum publications. It
authorizes deposits into the endowment fund from private donations
and grant funds.


Part L amends the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Bureau of General Services' authority for approving
plans for public improvements by removing the provision that
allows the bureau to assess school administrative units fees for
reasonable costs on school construction projects for which
budgets were established subsequent to July 1, 1995.


Part M requires the Maine Health Data Organization to prepare
reports for the exclusive use of the Department of Administrative
and Financial Services and the Governor detailing the claims
experience of health care benefits funded, in whole or in part,
by the General Fund.


Part N requires the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services to review vacant positions throughout State Government
and report to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and
Financial Affairs by January 15, 2006 with any recommendations
for position eliminations.


Part O establishes a commission to reform the state budget


Part P establishes maximum principal costs, interest rates and
duration terms for financing agreements by the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, Office of Information
Technology for the acquisition of hardware, software and systems
to support the operations of the Statewide Radio and Network
System Reserve Fund.


Part Q does the following.

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