LD 1680
pg. 1
LD 1680 Title Page An Act to Improve Dirigo Health LD 1680 Title Page
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LR 2381
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill proposes to:

1. Require the Dirigo Health Agency to develop a method for
including a health savings account option as part of DirigoChoice
and to report its recommendation for such inclusion to the Joint
Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services;

2. Require the Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance
to develop options for financing the cost of conforming state tax
law to federal tax law regarding health savings accounts and to
report its recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on
Insurance and Financial Services;

3. Require the Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation, Bureau of Insurance to develop a method for insurance
carriers to report new business, categorized by insurance status.
The report would include categories for insured, underinsured and
uninsured people. The bureau would report its recommendations to
the Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services;

4. Expand the membership of the Advisory Council on Health
Systems Development to include a practicing nurse, a small
business and a large business that purchases employee health
coverage; and

5. Clarify that the Dirigo Health Agency is authorized to
make and administer grants.

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