LD 1691
pg. 44
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LR 2419
Item 1

E.__Two special education teachers;

F.__Two education technicians;

G.__Three building administrators, one from an elementary
school, one from a middle school and one from a high school;

H.__One special education director;

I.__One curriculum coordinator;

J.__Two district-level administrators;

K.__Two faculty members teaching in an approved teacher
preparation program;

L.__One member of the public;

M.__One member, ex officio, of the state board; and

N.__The commissioner, or the commissioner's designee,
serving as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the board.

The board shall consider the commissioner's or the
designee's recommendations.

A member whose employment status changes during that member's
term on the board remains on the board for the duration of the
term for which that member was appointed.

2.__Appointments.__The Governor shall appoint the 22 members
of the board specified in paragraphs A to M from nominations
submitted by the education profession and interested persons.__
Members representing practitioner groups must be active
practitioners and are appointed from a list of nominees presented
by the largest organization in the State representing education
paraprofessionals, elementary and secondary teachers, university
faculty and each administrator specialty.

3.__Terms.__The appointed members of the board serve for 3-
year terms and may not serve more than 2 full terms.

4.__Compensation.__The appointed members of the board serve
without compensation and are entitled to reimbursement by the
state board for mileage and expenses incurred in performing
required duties.__The state board shall furnish the board with
materials, secretarial assistance and meeting facilities.

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