LD 1691
pg. 61
Page 60 of 99 An Act To Eliminate Pension Cost Reduction Bonding and Provide Replacement Budg... Page 62 of 99
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LR 2419
Item 1


Sec. PP-1. Managed behavioral health care services system. The Department of
Health and Human Services shall establish a system of managed
behavioral health care services to provide community support
services, mental health services, private nonmedical institution
services, psychological services and substance abuse services.
The system must be implemented through a contract with an entity

1. Has not been and may not be throughout the duration of the
contract a provider of any of the services that are the subject
of and provided under the managed care system;

2. Demonstrates successful delivery of managed care systems
in behavioral health within geographic and demographic parameters
comparable to the State's;

3. Demonstrates that the system of managed care is based on
assessed consumer needs in order to recover behavorial health and
that positive client outcome will drive the system;

4. Will accommodate generally accepted state-of-the-art care
and treatment when it is part of a child and family intervention
requirement or in the context of any of the State's consent
decrees or settlement agreements; and

5. Ensures the data derived from the managed care system will
be prepared to demonstrate the efficacy of the program and will
be made available periodically to the Legislature as well as
consumers, family members, providers and advocacy groups.

Sec. PP-2. Reporting Requirements. If implementation of the managed
behavioral health care services system required under section 1,
subsection 1 does not result in the budgeted savings for fiscal
year 2006-07, the Commissioner of Health and Human Services shall
provide the joint standing committees of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and health
and human services with alternative proposals to achieve the
savings prior to any rulemaking to implement the alternative.
Once the managed care program is underway, any substantive
changes to the program, such as financing methodology, must be
approved by the Legislature.

Sec. PP-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.


Departmentwide 0019

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