LD 1691
pg. 66
Page 65 of 99 An Act To Eliminate Pension Cost Reduction Bonding and Provide Replacement Budg... Page 67 of 99
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LR 2419
Item 1


Maine Municipal Bond Bank -

Maine Rural Water Association 0699

Initiative: Reduces funding for grants in order to maintain
costs within available resources.

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07

All Other ($5,000) ($5,000)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL ($5,000) ($5,000)


Sec. XX-1. Flavored malt beverages; enforcement by Department of Public Safety.
Beginning on October 1, 2005, the Department of Public Safety
shall enforce all laws pertaining to flavored malt beverages in
the same manner as the department enforces those laws pertaining
to low-alcohol spirits pursuant to the January 2005 ruling of the
federal Department of the Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau.


Sec. YY-1. Review of training and economic and workforce development.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Governor shall
direct the so-called Workforce Cabinet established by the
Governor and chaired by the Commissioner of Labor to study the
delivery of training and economic and workforce development
program in Maine. For all training and economic and workforce
development programs within departments and agencies statewide,
the Workforce Cabinet shall develop a structured process in which
to evaluate and identify specific strategies to leverage both
state and federal resources. The Workforce Cabinet shall develop
recommendations to achieve cost savings through colocation,
consolidation and other efficiencies. The Workforce Cabinet
shall report its recommendations to the Governor no later than
January 2, 2006.

Sec. YY-2. Calculation and transfer; training and economic and workforce
development. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the State
Budget Officer shall calculate the amount of savings in section 3
that applies against each General Fund account for all
departments and agencies from savings in the cost of delivering
training and economic and workforce development programs and
shall transfer
the amounts by financial order upon

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