LD 1691
pg. 79
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LR 2419
Item 1

this chapter in the Railroad Freight Service Quality Fund
established under Title 35-A, section 1711.

This subsection is repealed 90 days after the adjournment of the
Second Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.

Sec. GGG-8. 36 MRSA §2903-E is enacted to read:

§2903-E.__Distribution of gasoline tax revenues to State

Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund

An amount equal to $100,000 per year of gasoline taxes that
are attributable to statewide transit efforts must be deposited
into the State Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund
account of the Department of Transportation no later than July
30th of each fiscal year, except that in fiscal year 2005-06 the
deposit may be no later than October 31, 2005.

Sec. GGG-9. 36 MRSA §2912, as amended by PL 1979, c. 378, §23, is
further amended to read:

§2912. Records and reports regarding sales of fuels for

aeronautical purposes

The Effective October 1, 2005, the tax received by the State
on internal combustion engine fuels which that are sold to be
used for aeronautical purposes shall must accrue to the General
Fund State Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund. The
necessary expenses of the collection of the tax on such fuels to
be used for aeronautical purposes shall must be deducted.

Sec. GGG-10. Transfer of funds, Railroad Assistance Program. On the
effective date of this Act, the State Controller shall transfer
the existing cash balance in the Railroad Assistance Program,
Other Special Revenue Funds account within the Department of
Transportation to the State Transit, Aviation and Rail
Transportation Fund established under the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 23, section 4210-B.

Sec. GGG-11. Transition. The following provisions apply to the
Department of Transportation.

1. Upon the effective date of this Act, to comply with the
provisions and intent of this Part, the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, Office of the State
Controller may transfer funds pertaining to the transfer of
General Fund programs within the Department of Transportation to
the State Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund, the
Marine Highway account and any other applicable funding transfers
authorized by
this Part.

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