LD 1691
pg. 96
Page 95 of 99 An Act To Eliminate Pension Cost Reduction Bonding and Provide Replacement Budg... Page 97 of 99
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LR 2419
Item 1


Part XX provides guidance to the Department of Public Safety
in the enforcement of laws pertaining to flavored malt beverages.


Part YY proposes that the Governor direct the Workforce
Cabinet to study the delivery of training and economic and
workforce development programs in Maine and identify specific
strategies to leverage both state and federal resources. It
requires the Workforce Cabinet to develop recommendations to
achieve cost savings and report its findings to the Governor by
January 2, 2006. This Part also directs the State Budget Officer
to calculate the amount of savings for all departments and
agencies associated with this Part and to transfer the amounts by
financial order upon the approval of the Governor. It also
includes a statewide deappropriation in fiscal year 2006-07 for
the projected savings.


Part ZZ transfers a certain part of rents collected by the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services from the
Maine Military Authority to the General Fund.


Part AAA provides a gas tax refund for certain purchases by
the State and adjusts appropriations and allocations to reflect
the anticipated savings. It also requires the State Budget
Officer to calculate the savings and transfer the amounts by
financial order as an adjustment to appropriations and


Part BBB limits reimbursement of property taxes under the
Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement program for the application
period that begins on August 1, 2006 to 90% of the property taxes
assessed and paid on eligible property.


Part CCC changes the timing of reimbursement under the tree
growth tax laws.


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