LD 1720
pg. 8
Page 7 of 13 An Act To Make Revisions to the Maine Revised Statutes Relating to Agriculture ... Page 9 of 13
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LR 3052
Item 1

substance is an act which that results in the hazardous substance
being a misbranded package. For the purposes of this subsection
and section 509, "drug" has the same meaning as defined in Title
32, section 13702, subsection 9.

Sec. 27. 7 MRSA §528, as amended by PL 1973, c. 625, §38, is
further amended to read:

§528. Exemptions

Neither this subchapter nor regulations promulgated under this
subchapter shall preclude the continued use of returnable or
reusable glass containers for beverages in inventory or with the
trade as of October 1, 1969 or any such regulation, nor shall any
regulation or this subchapter preclude the orderly disposal of
packages or containers in inventory or with the trade as of the
effective date of such regulation or of this subchapter.

All packages of consumer commodities which that have been
labled labeled in accordance with federal regulations established
by the United States Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Trade
Commission or by the United States Department of Agriculture
shall not be included under are in compliance with this

Sec. 28. 7 MRSA §631-A, as amended by PL 1977, c. 694, §67, is
further amended to read:

§631-A. Official standards

The commissioner is authorized, after holding public hearing,
to may by rule establish and promulgate, in a manner consistent
with the rule-making procedures of the Maine Administrative
Procedure Act, official definitions and standards and sizes for
grading or classifying, packaging and labeling eggs and to change
such official standards and sizes from time to time.

Such official The standards and sizes shall pursuant to this
section may not be lower in their requirements than the minimum
requirements and the official standards and sizes for
corresponding grades or classifications as promulgated from time
to time adopted by the Secretary of Agriculture of the United
States, commonly known as U.S. Grades. The commissioner may
adopt by reference the United States standards, grades and weight
classes for shell eggs as adopted by the United States Department
of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service.__Rules adopted
pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined
in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

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