LD 1734
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Increase Accessibility to Health Insurance LD 1734 Title Page
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LR 2669
Item 1

(a) The carrier does not have the capacity to
deliver services adequately to additional
enrollees within all or a designated part of its
service area because of its obligations to
existing enrollees; and

(b) The carrier is applying this provision
uniformly to individuals and groups without regard
to any health-related factor.

A carrier that denies coverage in accordance with this
paragraph may not enroll individuals residing within
the area subject to denial of coverage or groups or
subgroups within that area for a period of 180 days
after the date of the first denial of coverage.


This bill extends the eligibility for health insurance
coverage to include a person who is not yet a United States
citizen, but who is living legally in this country.

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