LD 1751
pg. 7
Page 6 of 10 An Act Concerning Technical Changes to the Tax Laws Page 8 of 10
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LR 2950
Item 1

inheritance; life insurance proceeds paid on death of insured;
nontaxable lawsuit rewards, such as slander, libel and pain and
suffering, excluding reimbursements such as medical and legal
expenses associated with the case; support money; nontaxable strike
benefits; the gross amount of any pension or annuity, including
railroad retirement benefits; all payments received under the
federal Social Security Act and state unemployment insurance laws;
veterans' disability pensions; nontaxable interest received from
the Federal Government or any of its instrumentalities; interest or
dividends on obligations or securities of this State and its
political subdivisions and authorities; workers' compensation and
the gross amount of "loss of time" insurance; and cash public
assistance and relief, but not including relief granted under this
chapter. "Income" does not include the first $5,000 in the of
proceeds from a life insurance policy, whether paid in a lump sum
or in the form of an annuity. "Income" does not include a rollover
from an individual retirement account, pension or annuity fund or
plan to an individual retirement account, pension or annuity fund
or plan even if the amount of the rollover is includable in Maine
adjusted gross income. "Income" also does not include gifts from
nongovernmental sources or surplus foods or other relief in kind
supplied by a governmental agency.

Sec. 18. 36 MRSA §6652, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2005, c. 457, Pt.
BBB, §1, is further amended to read:

1. Generally. A person against whom taxes have been assessed
pursuant to Part 2, except for chapters 111 and 112, with respect
to eligible property and who has paid those taxes is entitled to
reimbursement of those taxes from the State as provided in this
chapter. The reimbursement under this chapter is 100% of the
taxes assessed and paid with respect to eligible property, except
that for claims filed for the application period that begins on
August 1, 2006 the reimbursement is 90% of the taxes assessed and
paid with respect to eligible property. For purposes of this
chapter, a tax applied as a credit against a tax assessed
pursuant to chapter 111 or 112 is a tax assessed pursuant to
chapter 111 or 112. Eligible property is subject to
reimbursement pursuant to this chapter for up to 12 property tax
years, but the 12 years must be reduced by one year for each year
during which a taxpayer included the same property in its
investment credit base under section 5219-D, 5219-E or 5219-M and
claimed the credit provided in one or more of those sections on
its income tax return, and reimbursement may not be made for
taxes assessed in a year in which one or more of those credits is
taken. A successor in interest of a person against whom taxes
have been assessed with respect to eligible property is entitled
to reimbursement pursuant to this section, whether the tax was
paid by the person assessed or by the successor, as long as a

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