LD 1768
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Prevent Motor Fuel Spills from Aboveground Storage Tanks That Have Un... Page 3 of 5
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LR 2942
Item 1

E. The size of the tank to be registered;

F. The type of tank or tanks and piping at the facility and
the type of product stored or contained in the tank or tanks
and piping;

G. For new, replacement or retrofitted facilities, the name
of the installer, the expected date of installation or
retrofit, the nature of any emergency pursuant to subsection
1, paragraph A, if applicable, and a description or plan
showing the layout of the facility or tank, including the
form of secondary containment, other forms of leak detection
or equipment to be installed pursuant to section 564,
subsection 1, paragraph A and, when applicable, the method
of retrofitting leak detection pursuant to section 564,
subsection 1 or 1-A;

H. For existing facilities and tanks, the best estimate of
the age and type of tank or tanks and underground piping at
the facility; and

I. Expiration For underground oil storage tanks, the
expiration date of tank manufacturer's warranty.

3. Amended registration required. The owner or operator of
an underground oil storage facility shall file an amended
registration form with the commissioner immediately upon any
change in the information required pursuant to subsection 2,
including any modifications to the facility or a change of
ownership. The board may establish, by rule, a late registration
period not to exceed 10 business days in duration. A fee may not
be charged for filing an amended registration.

4. Registration fees. The owner or operator of an
underground oil storage facility shall pay an annual fee to the
department of $35 for each tank located at the facility, except
that single family homeowners are not required to pay a fee for a
tank at their personal residence. Annual payments must be paid
on or before January 1st of each calendar year.

5. Penalty for failure to submit amended registration. Any
person who has not submitted an amended registration form in
accordance with subsection 3 shall pay a late fee of $100. This
does not preclude the commissioner from seeking civil penalties
from any person who fails to register a facility or tank.

6. Providing notice. Prior to the sale or transfer of any
real estate where an underground oil storage facility is located,
the owner of the real estate shall file a written notice with the

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