LD 1855
pg. 1
LD 1855 Title Page An Act To Establish the Securities Investor Education and Training Fund LD 1855 Title Page
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LR 3002
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §16601, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Securities Investor Education and Training Fund.__The
Securities Investor Education and Training Fund, referred to in
this subsection as "the fund," is established to provide funds
for the purposes specified in subsection 4.__The fund consists of
all grants or donations accepted by the administrator pursuant to
subsection 4 and all payments received by the administrator that
have been designated in a consent order, consent agreement, court
order or court judgment to be credited to the fund.__Any balance
in the fund does not lapse but must be carried forward to be used
for the same purposes.


This bill establishes the dedicated nonlapsing Securities
Investor Education and Training Fund within the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation, Office of Securities to be
used for the purposes of securities education and training. The
education and training fund consists of grant or donation funds,
as well as amounts credited to the education and training fund
pursuant to designations in consent orders or agreements and
court orders or judgments, and is independent from the operating

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