LD 1873
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act Regarding Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations Page 4 of 4
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LR 2940
Item 1

not decline consent for a sexual assault forensic examination
of the principal. The power must be in writing and signed by
the principal and 2 witnesses. Notwithstanding any law
validating electronic or digital signatures, signatures of the
principal and witnesses must be made in person and not by
electronic means. The power remains in effect notwithstanding
the principal's later incapacity and may include individual
instructions. Unless related to the principal by blood,
marriage or adoption, an agent may not be an owner, operator
or employee of a residential long-term health-care institution
at which the principal is receiving care.

Sec. 5. 18-A MRSA §5-805, sub-§(a), as amended by PL 1999, c. 411, §2,
is further amended to read:

(a) A surrogate may make a decision to withhold or withdraw
life-sustaining treatment for a patient who is an adult or
emancipated minor if the patient has been determined by the
primary physician to lack capacity, no agent or guardian has been
appointed or the agent or guardian is not reasonably available
and the patient is in a terminal condition or a persistent
vegetative state as determined by the primary physician.

A surrogate also is authorized to make any other health care
decision for a patient who is an adult or emancipated minor if
the patient has been determined by the primary physician to lack
capacity and no agent or guardian exists, except that a surrogate
may not deny surgery, procedures or other interventions that are
lifesaving and medically necessary and may not decline consent
for a sexual assault forensic examination.

A medically necessary procedure is one providing the most
patient-appropriate intervention or procedure that can be safely
and effectively given.

Sec. 6. 25 MRSA §3821, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 719, §4 and
affected by §11, is amended by adding a new 2nd paragraph to

In the case of a kit collected pursuant to Title 14, section
171, subsection 2, if an alleged victim does not regain the
capacity to consent within 60 days, the State may file a motion
in District Court requesting an order that the kit be transported
to the Maine State Police Crime Laboratory for processing.__The
District Court shall consider the best interest of the victim
when considering the State's motion.

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