LD 1882
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Expand the Auditing Powers of the Department of Audit and To Clarify ... LD 1882 Title Page
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LR 2844
Item 1


This bill clarifies the authority of the State Auditor to
conduct information system audits and the confidential status of
information system audit findings and workpapers.

It clarifies that the State Auditor has access to information
in electronic form or in another form and without limitation on
copying and removing records from departments, agencies and

It clarifies the discretion of the State Auditor to release
nonconfidential audit working papers to the public before any
final audit report.

It allows the State Auditor to disclose, without any breach of
confidentiality or change in their nonpublic status, confidential
audit working papers to the Office of the State Controller, the
Office of the Treasurer of State, affected state entities and
other state entities if the audited department, commission or
agency agrees to the disclosure.

It makes investigatory records, including tips and complaints
and information provided by an individual, related to possible
violations of statute, rule or regulation nonpublic.

It makes classified, confidential, secret and nonpublic any
information resulting from a review by the State Auditor that
indicates a computer system is vulnerable or security over the
system is lacking.

It gives the State Auditor the power to compel the production
of evidence.

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