LD 1885
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Protect Drivers' Privacy by Clarifying Ownership of Data Recorded by ... Page 6 of 6
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LR 2465
Item 1

C.__To diagnose, service or repair a motor vehicle.


This bill, based on Arkansas law, governs the use of data from
motor vehicle data recorders. This bill:

1. Specifies that the data is the private and exclusive
property of the owner of the motor vehicle;

2. Specifies what type of consent is required and from whom
in order to obtain access to the data;

3. Allows the data to be accessed only in certain situations,
such as:

A. When necessary to facilitate emergency medical care for
the owner or passenger of a vehicle involved in a motor
vehicle accident;

B. When ordered by a court;

C. When a law enforcement officer has probable cause to
believe that an offense of Maine law has occurred;

D. For research purposes, as long as there is no
identification of the owner or operator of the motor
vehicle; and

E. For the purpose of diagnosing, servicing or repairing a
motor vehicle;

4. Prohibits a lienholder or insurer who obtains ownership of
the vehicle after an accident from accessing the data without
consent of the owner or withholding an insurance payment unless
consent is given;

5. Allows the Department of Transportation to access the
motor vehicle data recorder for purposes related to preclearing
weigh stations, automating driver records of duty status
replacing handwritten reports for mileage reporting or complying
with state or federal law;

6. Requires a seller or manufacturer of a motor vehicle
equipped with a motor vehicle data recorder to inform the buyer,
in writing, of the presence on the vehicle of a motor vehicle
data recorder and the type of data captured by the motor vehicle
data recorder; and

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