LD 1932
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act To Implement Model Time-share Foreclosure Procedures Page 7 of 7
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LR 2960
Item 1

All rights of redemption of a time-share owner are extinguished
upon the consummation of the sale proceedings. The managing entity,
the foreclosing person or any time-share owner may bid at the sale
or may enter into agreements for the purchase of one or more time-
share licenses following the completion of sale proceedings.__The
successful buyer takes title to the time-share license free and
clear of any outstanding assessments owed by the prior time-share
owner to the managing entity.

3.__Foreclosure of mortgage not containing power of sale.__In
the event of a breach of the conditions of a mortgage on a time-
share estate that does not contain a power of sale, the holder of
the mortgage may conduct a nonjudicial foreclosure of the
interest of the time-share owner in the time-share estate
pursuant to subsection 1 if, at the same time the holder gives
written notice of default to the time-share owner as provided in
subsection 1, paragraph A, the holder also gives written notice
to the time-share owner stating that unless the time-share owner
objects in writing to the nonjudicial foreclosure within the 30-
day period required by subsection 1, paragraph A, the holder will
proceed to conduct the foreclosure pursuant to subsection 1.__The
holder must explain in the notice that the time-share owner has
the right to a judicial foreclosure if the owner asserts the
objection within the specified time period and must include with
the notice an objection form together with an envelope addressed
to the holder.__Failure of a time-share owner to object as
required by this subsection in a timely manner is deemed a waiver
of the owner's right to a judicial foreclosure.


Under current law, time-share estates are considered to be
real property. The judicial foreclosure of a mortgage or the
execution of a lien for assessments is expensive. The cost is
disproportionately high relative to the value of time-share
estates. This bill provides for a nonjudicial process for the
foreclosure of time-share estates pursuant to a power of sale
granted in a mortgage instrument and for the foreclosure of a
lien for assessments. This bill requires that notice of the
foreclosure of a time-share estate be given by certified mail to
the time-share estate owner and by means of newspaper publication
to the public. The sale of the time-share estate must be
conducted at an auction. The foreclosure of the rights of time-
share owners in time-share licenses may only be conducted as a
sale under the commercial reasonableness standard of the Uniform
Commercial Code. Mortgages on time-share estates that do not
contain a power of sale also may be foreclosed by a nonjudicial
process if notice is given to the time-share owner

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