LD 1939
pg. 4
Page 3 of 12 An Act To Revise Certain Fish and Wildlife Laws Page 5 of 12
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LR 2593
Item 1

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §11208, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and
amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §139 and affected by §422, is further
amended to read:

§11208. Unlawful shooting or discharge of firearm or crossbow

1. Shooting or discharge of firearm or crossbow over or near
public paved way. A person may not:

A. Shoot at any wild animal or wild bird from any public
paved way or within 10 feet of the edge of the pavement of
the public paved way or from within the right-of-way of any
controlled access highway;

B. Discharge any firearm or crossbow over a public paved
way; or

C. Possess any wild animal or wild bird taken in violation
of paragraph A or B, except as otherwise provided in this

This subsection does not prohibit a person who has a valid permit
to carry a concealed weapon from possessing that weapon on or
near a public paved way as long as it is not used for shooting at
wild animals or wild birds or discharged in violation of this

2. Penalty. A person who violates subsection 1 commits a
Class E crime.

Sec. 8. 12 MRSA §11209, as affected by PL 2003, c. 614, §9 and
amended by c. 655, Pt. B, §140 and affected by Pt. B, §422 and
Pt. C, §§1 and 6, is further amended to read:

§11209. Discharge of firearm or crossbow near dwelling

1. Prohibition. A person may not:

A. Unless a relevant municipal ordinance provides otherwise
and except as provided in sections 12401 and 12402,
discharge a firearm or crossbow within 100 yards of a
residential dwelling or a farm building used for sheltering
livestock, machines or harvested crops without the
permission of the owner or, in the owner's absence, of an
adult occupant of that dwelling; or

B. Possess a wild animal or wild bird taken in violation of
this subsection, except as otherwise provided in this Part.

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