LD 1968
pg. 100
Page 99 of 131 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 101 of 131
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LR 3074
Item 1

Sec. H-1. 36 MRSA §5219-R, as amended by PL 2001, c. 526, §5 and
affected by §6, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§5219-R.__Credit for rehabilitation of historic properties

1.__Credit allowed.__A taxpayer is allowed a credit against
the tax imposed under this Part equal to the amount of credit
claimed by the taxpayer for the taxable year under Section 47 of
the Code with respect to expenditures incurred after December 31,
1999 for a certified historic structure located in the State.__
The credit is nonrefundable and is limited to $100,000 annually
per taxpayer.__A credit received under this section is subject to
the same recapture provisions, as apply to a credit received
under Section 47 of the Code and to any available federal carry-
back or carry-forward provisions.

2.__Credit refundable in certain cases.__Notwithstanding
subsection 1, a taxpayer that is a national historic landmark
developer is allowed a refundable credit in an amount equal to
the credit determined by the taxpayer under Section 47 of the
Code for the taxable year.__The refundable credit allowed by this
subsection is in lieu of the credit that is allowed to the
taxpayer by subsection 1 or that would otherwise be passed
through to its partners or shareholders, if any.__The credit is
allowed only for tax years that begin on or after January 1, 2007
but before January 1, 2011.__The credit may not exceed $500,000
per year, and unused credit amounts may be carried forward only
through the 2010 tax year.__In the event that more than one
national historic landmark developer qualifies for the refundable
credit allowed by this subsection, the maximum annual credit
amount and credit carry-forward limitations established by this
subsection apply to all such developers collectively, and if
necessary the State Tax Assessor shall prorate the credits
between those developers based on their respective share of
qualified expenses incurred.__For the purposes of this
subsection, "national historic landmark developer" means a person
that owns 2 or more structures located in the Kennebec Arsenal
District National Historic Landmark.


Sec. I-1. 20-A MRSA §6103, sub-§3-A, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 457, Pt.
CC, §1, is amended to read:

3-A. Fees. The commissioner shall assess a fee of $55 for
each initial criminal history record check and $24 for each
renewal criminal history record check required by this section.

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