LD 1985
pg. 20
Page 19 of 29 An Act To Make Revisions to the Maine Revised Statutes Relating to Agricultural... Page 21 of 29
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LR 3053
Item 1

that assistant pull superintendent is participating as a

3. Enforcement responsibilities.__A pull superintendent shall
enforce the laws and rules governing pulling events and shall
report participants who are disqualified, violations of the law
and other matters, as appropriate, to the Pull Events Commission.

§100.__Enforcement actions by commission

Upon receipt of a report pursuant to section 98, subsection 3,
the Pull Events Commission shall send a copy of the report to the
sponsor whose name appears on the application for the pulling
event and to the person whose conduct has been reported to the

1. Violation by teamster.__Upon receipt of a written report
alleging that a teamster has violated the laws or rules governing
pulling events, the Pull Events Commission may after a hearing
disqualify a teamster from participation in pulling events.

2. Violation by pull superintendent or assistant pull
superintendent.__Upon receipt of a written report alleging that a
pull superintendent or assistant pull superintendent has violated
the laws or rules governing pulling events or has failed to take
appropriate action to enforce the laws and rules governing
pulling events, the Pull Events Commission may after a hearing
suspend or revoke that person's certification to act as a pull

§101.__Violations relating to pulling events

1. Conducting pulling event without permit. A person that
conducts, causes to be conducted or sponsors a public or private
pulling event between animals or pairs of animals within the
State without a permit from the commissioner commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than
$500 may be adjudged.

2. Prohibition on participating in pulling events. A person
who has been convicted of a violation of Title 17, section 1031
or has been adjudicated to have committed a civil violation of
section 4011 within the previous 5 years may not participate as
an animal owner or handler or in any other capacity, directly or
indirectly, in a pulling event. A person who participates in a
pulling event in violation of this subsection commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more than
$500 may be adjudged.

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