LD 2029
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Study Alternative ... LD 2029 Title Page
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LR 3123
Item 1

Sec. 10. Secretary of State and Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election
Practices to work collaboratively on providing information about direct initiatives. By
September 1, 2006, the Secretary of State and the Commission on
Governmental Ethics and Election Practices shall jointly develop
a plan to provide information on their respective public
accessible websites directing the public to information currently
published and available about direct initiative petitions and
campaign finance reports filed relative to those direct
initiative petitions and submit that plan to the Joint Standing
Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs.


This bill includes changes to current law as proposed in the
final report of the Commission to Study Alternative Voting
Procedures, the Citizen Initiative Process and Minor Party Ballot
Access as created in Resolve 2005, chapter 127. This bill
requires payment to a person for circulating a petition for a
direct initiative to be itemized on required campaign finance
reports. This bill clarifies that contributions and expenditures
made for the purpose of supporting or opposing a citizen-
initiated referendum during the signature gathering phase are
required to be reported like other contributions and
expenditures. This bill also requires a report from the
Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices
regarding the reporting of campaign finances relative to direct
initiative campaigns. It requires a report from the Secretary of
State examining ways to improve the way the State provides
information to voters about referenda that will appear on the
ballot. This bill also directs the Secretary of State to work
with the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices
towards making information currently available about direct
initiative efforts and campaigns for or against those direct
initiatives or campaigns more accessible to the public by
providing links on the Secretary of State's or commission's
publicly accessible websites directing people to information
posted on the other agency's website.

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