LD 2044
pg. 10
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LR 3140
Item 1

and shall provide a report on these recommendations by September
18, 2006 to the Task Force to Study Maine's Homeland Security

Sec. 16. Report on local health officers. The Director of the Maine Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, in conjunction with
stakeholders and interested parties, shall study the
qualifications and duties of local health officers in Maine and
develop recommendations for enhancing the role of local health
officers in emergency preparedness plans. The Director of the
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention shall report by
September 18, 2006 to the Task Force to Study Maine's Homeland
Security Needs on the results of this study and proposed

Sec. 17. Regional resource centers. The Director of the Maine Center
for Disease Control and Prevention shall work with stakeholders
to ensure that the regional resource centers are provided
sufficient funding resources to meet the goals of hospital and
health system providers. The Director of the Maine Center for
Disease Control and Prevention shall report to the Task Force to
Study Maine's Homeland Security Needs on the results of the
federal Health Resources and Services Administration grant and
contract with the regional resource centers and on proposed
recommendations by September 18, 2006 and to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and
human services matters and the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice and public
safety matters by January 15, 2007.

Sec. 18. Application. The Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A,
section 15908, subsection 5 applies to those school construction
projects during the 2006-2007 biennium that were funded through
state bonds or the Maine Municipal Bond Bank, and that have also
received both voter approval at a public referendum pursuant to
Title 20-A, section 15904 and design approval from the State
Board of Education after the effective date of this Act.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill represents the interim recommendations of the Task
Force to Study Maine's Homeland Security Needs. This bill
authorizes the Governor to bring the balance of the Disaster
Relief Fund up to $3,000,000. It requires that any interest that
accrues in the fund in excess of $3,000,000 be transferred by the
State Controller to the Maine Budget Stabilization Fund. The

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