LD 2044
pg. 12
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LR 3140
Item 1

stakeholders. The bill requires the Statewide Radio Network Board
to report to the Task Force to Study Maine's Homeland Security
Needs on its progress by September 18, 2006. It clarifies that the
Chief Information Officer and other agencies using the statewide
radio and network system may operate as a board to establish
standards for statewide radio and network system operations.

The bill directs the Director of the Maine Emergency
Management Agency to coordinate with the Commissioner of
Education to perform an assessment of the number of Maine public
schools that have adopted an all-hazards approach to emergency
preparedness and requires the director and the commissioner to
coordinate their efforts for community outreach for all-hazards
emergency planning. The bill requires the director to report by
September 18, 2006 to the Task Force to Study Maine's Homeland
Security Needs with its findings and recommendations. This bill
also requires that all new schools be designed to include backup
energy generators or be wired for portable energy generators,
thus enabling their use as public shelters.

This bill also requires the Commissioner of Education to
determine methods for incorporating emergency plans within the
elementary and secondary public school curriculum. It requires
the commissioner to report by January 15, 2007 with findings and
proposed recommended changes to the curriculum to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
education and cultural affairs and the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice and
public safety matters.

Finally, this bill directs the Maine Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, in conjunction with the Maine Hospital
Association, to update its survey of emergency health system
capacity in the State and to report to the Task Force to Study
Maine's Homeland Security Needs on the results of this study and
recommendations to address surge capacity by September 18, 2006.
It also requires the Director of the Maine Center for Disease
Control and Prevention to work with stakeholders to ensure that
the regional resource centers are provided sufficient funding and
requires the director to study the qualifications of local health
officers and develop recommendations for enhancing their role in
emergency preparedness plans. It requires the director to report
to the Task Force to Study Maine's Homeland Security Needs on the
results of this study and proposed recommendations by September
18, 2006 and to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over health and human services matters and
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over criminal justice matters by January 15, 2007.

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