LD 2044
pg. 8
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LR 3140
Item 1

C. Any other money deposited in the fund to implement the
provisions of this subchapter.; and

D.__Any money transferred into the fund from the Maine
Budget Stabilization Fund, established in Title 5, section

3. Use of fund. The fund must be the first last resource
used when section 742 or 744 is invoked. The fund may also be
used for the purpose of matching federal funds in the event of a
federally declared disaster.

4.__Fund balance.__The fund's balance may not exceed
$3,000,000.__No more than $3,000,000 may be deposited into or
expended from the fund within a state fiscal year.__Any amount,
including interest, that accrues in excess of $3,000,000 must be
transferred by the State Controller to the Maine Budget
Stabilization Fund, established in Title 5, section 1532.

5.__Annual report.__The director shall submit a written report
by January 15, 2007 and annually thereafter to the Governor and
the Legislature on the fund's balance and expenditures.

Sec. 11. Radio frequency coordination for emergency planning. The Statewide
Radio Network Board, referenced in the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 5, section 1520, subsection 1, paragraph B, shall develop
protocols and procedures for radio frequency coordination
throughout the State during major emergencies and shall include
participation by and obtain memoranda of understanding from
various stakeholders, including: the Maine Emergency Management
Agency; the Maine Fire Chiefs Association; the Maine Chiefs of
Police Association; the Maine Fire Protection Services
Commission; the Maine Sheriffs' Association; the Maine State
Police; the Department of Public Safety; federal first
responders; Maine Emergency Medical Services; the Maine Hospital
Association; and local public works and utilities. The Statewide
Radio Network Board shall allocate no fewer than 6 public safety
band radio frequencies to be used as multijurisdictional, county
and state disaster channels. The Director of the Maine Emergency
Management Agency shall develop a communications plan for
multijurisdictional, regional and statewide disasters to ensure
interoperability that includes participation with both public and
private expected response partners and local, county, state and
federal stakeholders. The Statewide Radio Network Board and the
Maine Emergency Management Agency shall report by September 18,
2006 to the Task Force to Study Maine's Homeland Security Needs
on their progress in obtaining memoranda of understanding from

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