LD 2073
pg. 52
Page 51 of 63 An Act To Bring Maine's Sales and Use Tax Law into Conformity with the Streamli... Page 53 of 63
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LR 3203
Item 1

any seller to whom the coupon, certificate or
documentation is presented;

(b) The purchaser identifies himself or herself to
the seller as a member of a group or organization
entitled to a price reduction or discount. A
preferred customer card that is available to any
customer does not constitute membership in such a
group; or

(c) The price reduction or discount is identified
as a 3rd-party price reduction or discount on the
invoice received by the purchaser or on a coupon,
certificate or other documentation presented by
the purchaser.

C. "Sale price" does not include:

(1)__Discounts that are allowed by a seller and taken
by a purchaser on a sale, including cash discounts,
term discounts and coupons that are not reimbursed by a
3rd party;

(2) Interest, finance charges and carrying charges from
credit extended on a sale, if the amount is separately
stated on the invoice, bill of sale or similar document
given to a purchaser;

(3) Any taxes legally imposed directly on the purchaser
that are separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale
or similar document given to the purchaser; or

(4) Delivery charges that are separately stated on the
invoice, billing or similar document given to the

12. School. "School" means a public or incorporated nonprofit
elementary, secondary or post-secondary educational institution
that has a regular faculty, curriculum and organized body of
pupils or students in attendance throughout the usual school year
and that keeps and furnishes to students and others records
required and accepted for entrance to schools of secondary,
collegiate or graduate rank.

§4943. Meals and rentals tax

1. Tax imposed. A tax is imposed at the rate of 7% on the
value of all sales of meals and all rentals of living quarters
and at the rate of 10% on the value of all rentals of automobiles
for a
period of less than one year. Value is measured by the sale

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