LD 2080
pg. 2
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LR 3122
Item 1

governmental functions. The authority consists of the following 5
voting members:

A.__The chair of the Public Utilities Commission;

B.__The Chief Information Officer of the State;

C.__One representative of consumers, appointed by the
Governor; and

D.__Two members with significant knowledge of communications
technology, appointed by the Governor.

2.__Terms; chair; vacancies.__All members are appointed for 3-
year terms.__The Governor shall appoint a chair from among the 3
members appointed by the Governor. In the event of a vacancy in
the membership, the Governor shall appoint a replacement member
for the remainder of that vacated term. Each member of the
authority serves until that member's successor is appointed and
qualified. Any member of the authority is eligible for

3.__Officers; quorum.__The authority may elect a secretary and
a treasurer, who may, but need not, be members of the authority.
Three members of the authority constitute a quorum and the
affirmative vote of 3 members is necessary for any action taken
by the authority.

4.__Participation by members.__A member may participate in a
meeting of the authority and place a vote electronically or
telephonically as long as members of the public have an
opportunity to listen to the deliberations of the authority and
otherwise participate in or observe the proceedings of the
authority consistent with Title 1, section 405.

5.__Indemnification.__Each member of the authority must be
indemnified by the authority against expenses actually and
necessarily incurred by the member in connection with the defense
of any action or proceeding in which the member is made a party
by reason of being or having been a member of the authority, and
against any final judgment rendered against the member in that
action or proceeding.

6.__Staff.__The commission shall provide to the authority
staff, to be designated by the commission and not to exceed the
equivalent of 3 full-time employees.__The salaries and costs of
such staff must be allocated proportionately to the authority.__
The authority may retain staff in addition to the staff
designated and provided by the commission.

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