LD 982
pg. 10
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LR 818
Item 1

trustees shall determine the form of the bonds, including any
interest coupons to be attached to the bonds, and the manner of
execution of the bonds and shall fix the denomination or
denominations of the bonds and the place or places of payment of
principal and interest, which may be at any bank or trust company
inside or outside the State. Bonds are executed in the name of the
district by the manual or facsimile signature of the officer or
officers authorized in the resolution to execute the bonds. One
signature on each bond must be a manual signature. Coupons, if
any, attached to the bonds must be executed with the facsimile
signature of the officer or officers of the district designated in
the resolution. If the officer whose signature or a facsimile of
whose signature appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be an
officer before the delivery of the bonds, the signature or its
facsimile is valid and sufficient for all purposes as if the
officer had remained in office until the delivery. Notwithstanding
any of the other provisions in this Act or any recitals on any
bonds issued under this section, all bonds are deemed to be
negotiable instruments under the laws of this State. The bonds may
be issued in coupon or registered form, or both, as the board of
trustees may determine. Provision may be made for the registration
of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and as to both principal
and interest and for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any
bonds registered as to both principal and interest. The board of
trustees may sell bonds in that manner, either at public or private
sale at a price as it determines to be in the best interest of the
district. The proceeds of the bonds of each issue must be used
solely for the purpose for which those bonds are authorized and
must be disbursed in such a manner and under such restrictions as
the board of trustees provides in the resolution authorizing the
issuance of the bonds or in the trust agreement securing the bonds.
The resolution providing for the issuance of bonds and any trust
agreement securing the bonds may contain such limitations upon the
issuance of additional bonds as the board of trustees determines
proper. The additional bonds must be issued under such
restrictions and limitations prescribed by that resolution or trust
agreement. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the board
of trustees may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts or
temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for
definitive bonds when those bonds are executed and are available
for delivery. The board of trustees may provide for the
replacement of any bond that is mutilated, destroyed or lost.

4. In the discretion of the board of trustees, any issue of
bonds may be secured by a trust agreement by and between the
district and a corporate trustee that may be any trust company
inside or outside the State.

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