LD 982
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LR 818
Item 1

may determine just and equitable towards defraying the expense of
constructing and completing the sewer, together with such sewage
disposal units and appurtenances as may be necessary. The
assessments may not exceed the cost of the sewer and sewage
disposal units. The trustees shall file with the clerk of the
district the location of the sewer and sewage disposal unit, with a
profile description of the same, a statement of the amount
assessed upon each lot or parcel of land so assessed, a description
of each lot or parcel and the name of the owner of the lots or
parcels of land or person against whom the assessment is made. The
clerk of the district shall record that information in a book kept
for that purpose. Within 10 days after the filing, each person
assessed must be notified of the assessment by having an authentic
copy of the assessment, with an order of notice signed by the clerk
of the district, stating the time and place for a hearing upon the
subject matter of the assessments, given to each person so assessed
or left at the person's usual place of abode in the district. If
the person has no place of abode in the district, then the notice
must be given or left at the abode of the person's tenant or lessee
if the person has one in the district. If the person has no tenant
or lessee in the district, then notice must be posted in some
conspicuous place in the vicinity of the lot or parcel of land so
assessed at least 30 days before the hearing. The notice may be
given by publishing it once a week for 3 successive weeks in any
newspaper of general circulation in the district, the first
publication to be at least 30 days before the hearing. A return
made upon a copy of the notice by a constable in a municipality
within the district or by a sheriff or deputy sheriff or the
production of the newspaper containing the notice is conclusive
evidence that the notice has been given. At the hearing, the
trustees have the authority to revise, increase or diminish any of
the assessments, and all revisions, increases or diminutions must
be in writing and recorded by the clerk of the district.

Sec. 19. Appeal on assessment. A person aggrieved by a decision of
the trustees as it relates to an assessment for sewer
construction has the same rights of appeal as are provided in the
case of laying out town ways.

Sec. 20. Civil action for unpaid assessments. If an assessment imposed
under section 18 is not paid and the district does not proceed to
collect unpaid assessments by proceedings as prescribed in
section 21 or does not collect or is in any manner delayed or
defeated in collecting the assessments by the proceedings, then
the district in its name may maintain a civil action against the
party so assessed for the amount of the assessment as for money
paid, laid out and expended in any court of competent
jurisdiction. The district may recover the amount

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