LD 982
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LR 818
Item 1

construed as repealing the whole or part of any existing law, and
all rights and duties mentioned in this Act must be exercised and
performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 38, chapter 12 and any amendments thereto.

Sec. 28. Emergency clause; referendum; effective date. In view of the
emergency cited in the preamble, this Act takes effect when
approved but only for the purpose of permitting its submission to
the legal voters within the territory described in section 1 at
the election called for that purpose by January 1, 2006. The
election must be called, advertised and conducted according to
the law relating to municipal elections, except that the
registrar of voters is not required to prepare or the town clerk
to post a new list of voters. For the purpose of registration of
voters, the registrar of voters must be in session on the secular
day preceding the election. The subject matter of this Act is
reduced to the following question:

"Do you favor adopting the Kennebunk Sewer District charter,
2005 revision?"

The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed
against the word "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the same.

The results must be declared by the municipal officers of the
Town of Kennebunk and due certificate of the results filed by the
town clerk with the Secretary of State.

This Act takes effect for all other purposes immediately upon
its approval by a majority of the legal voters voting at the

Effective pending referendum.

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