LD 982
pg. 3
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LR 818
Item 1

to accomplish the purposes of the district. The district has the
authority to enter into a lease, leaseback and sale and sale and
leaseback with respect to some or all of the district's real or
personal property and to take all other action necessary or
desirable, including, but not limited to, the granting of mortgages
or liens to effectuate the transaction to the extent authorized
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 1252,
subsection 10.

Sec. 3. Election of trustees; terms of office; meetings. All affairs of the
district are managed by a board of trustees composed of 5 members
who must be residents of the district and elected as provided in
this Act. The trustees holding office on the effective date of
this Act shall continue to hold office until their terms expire.
At each annual municipal election of the Town of Kennebunk, the
voters of the district shall elect a trustee for the term of 3
years. If the Town of Kennebunk does not hold an annual
election, the district shall arrange for an annual election to
fill the trustee position that ends in that year and to fill any
vacancy in the office of trustee. The trustees are nominated and
elected under the same procedure as provided for the municipal
officers of the town. If a vacancy arises in the membership of
the board of trustees, the vacant office must be filled by the
municipal officers until the next regular municipal election at
which a trustee is elected to the unexpired term. All trustees
are eligible for reelection, but municipal officers of the Town
of Kennebunk are not eligible for nomination or election as

After each annual municipal election of the Town of Kennebunk,
the trustees shall organize by electing a chair, vice-chair,
treasurer and clerk. The trustees may adopt a corporate seal
and, when necessary, may choose other needful officers and agents
for the proper conduct and management of the affairs of the
district and fix any compensation for such officers or agents,
who serve at the pleasure of the board. The treasurer shall
furnish bond or insurance in such a sum and with such sureties as
the trustees approve, the cost of the bond or insurance to be
paid by the district. The trustees may receive compensation in
accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section
1252, subsection 5.

The trustees are sworn to the faithful performance of their
duties, which include the duties of any member who serves as
clerk or clerk pro tem.

At the close of each fiscal year, the trustees shall make a
detailed report of their activities, of the receipts and
expenditures of the district, of its financial and physical
condition and of other matters and things pertaining to the

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