LD 983
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LR 2191
Item 1

(1) From whom the illegal gambling machine and, any
monetary contents and any associated proceeds were

(2) Under what authority the illegal gambling machine
and, any monetary contents and any associated proceeds
are held, received or disposed of;

(3) To whom the illegal gambling machine and, any
monetary contents and any associated proceeds are

(4) The date and manner of destruction or disposition
of the illegal gambling machine; and

(5) The exact kinds, quantities and forms of illegal
gambling machines and, the exact amount of any monetary
contents of any machine and the exact amount of any
associated proceeds held in custody or disposed of.

B. The records must be open to inspections by all federal
and state officers authorized by the laws of the United
States, a state or territory of the United States or a
foreign nation to investigate or prosecute gambling laws.

C. The Department of Public Safety is responsible for
maintaining a centralized record of illegal gambling
machines seized. At least quarterly, the department shall
provide a report of the disposition of property previously
held by the department to the Commissioner of Administrative
and Financial Services and the legislative Office of Fiscal
and Program Review for review. These records must include
an estimate of the fair market value of items seized.

5. Persons making final disposition or destruction of an
illegal gambling machine or, its monetary contents or any
associated proceeds under court order shall report, under oath,
to the court the exact circumstances of the destruction or

6. An illegal gambling machine together with any monetary
contents and any associated proceeds is contraband and may be
seized by any law enforcement officer pursuant to subsection 7 or

Sec. 3. 17-A MRSA §1233, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 788, §7, is
amended to read:

§1233. Revocation procedures

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