LD 230
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LR 1979
Item 1

shall, prior to the disclosure, notify the affected shipper to
allow the shipper to discuss the proposed disclosure.__If the
affected shipper objects to the disclosure of the information, the
Public Advocate may not disclose the information.

5.__Funding.__There is created the Railroad Freight Service
Quality Fund, referred to in this section as "the fund."__
Pursuant to Title 36, section 2625, the fund receives $20,000
each year from the tax levied pursuant to Title 36, chapter 361.__
Expenditures from the fund are subject to legislative approval in
the same manner as appropriations from the General Fund.__ Any
balance in the fund in excess of that required for the purposes
of this section does not lapse but is carried forward.__ Money in
the fund may be expended by the Public Advocate only for the
purposes of this section.

6. Report.__The Public Advocate shall annually, no later than the
first Monday in February, submit to the joint standing committees
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities and energy
and transportation matters a report that includes the following:

A.__A summary of railroad freight service quality data
collected under subsection 2 and any actions taken pursuant
to subsection 3;

B.__An evaluation of the effectiveness of any actions taken
under subsection 3 and the need for the authority granted
under that subsection, together with any recommendations for
modifications to that authority; and

C.__An accounting of expenditures from the fund, prospective
funding needs and any recommendations for changes in funding

7.__Repeal and review.__This section is repealed 90 days after
the adjournment of the Second Regular Session of the 123rd
Legislature.__In the report submitted that year pursuant to
subsection 6, the Public Advocate shall make recommendations with
regard to the continued need for the authority granted under this
section.__After reviewing that report, the joint standing
committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities
and energy and transportation matters may jointly report out
legislation to the Second Regular Session of the 123rd
Legislature concerning the subject matter of this section.

Sec. 3. 36 MRSA §2625, as amended by PL 2003, c. 498, §9 and
affected by §12, is further amended to read:

§2625. Return and payment

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