LD 1637
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LR 2346
Item 1

(4)__Collaboration or consolidation of offices or

(5)__Professional services, such as those provided by
attorneys, consultants, facilitators and architects;

(6)__Administrative services and costs, such as
photocopying, printing, telephone service and travel

Administrative and other costs of ongoing operations that would
otherwise be budgeted by a municipality, county or regional
government subdivision are not eligible costs.

6.__Fund.__"Fund" means the Fund for the Efficient Delivery of
Local and Regional Services established by section 5681,
subsection 3.

7.__Planning grant.__"Planning grant" means a grant award from
the fund pursuant to section 6208 to cover eligible costs of
developing a qualifying project for a cooperative services grant.

8.__Qualifying project.__"Qualifying project" means a project
designed to achieve significant and sustainable savings in the
cost of delivering local and regional governmental services that
reduces the demand for property tax revenues through
collaborative approaches to service delivery, enhanced regional
delivery systems, consolidated administrative services, broad-
based purchasing alliances and interlocal agreements.

9. Regional government subdivision.__"Regional government
subdivision" means:

A.__A regional planning commission or regional council of
governments established under chapter 119; or

B.__A legal entity created by interlocal agreement pursuant
to chapter 115.

§6202.__Fund source; nonlapsing; dedicated, special revenue


The fund consists of revenues transferred from the Local
Government Fund pursuant to section 5681, subsection 5-B and any
funds received as contributions from private and public sources.
Eligible investment earnings credited to the assets of the fund
become part of the assets of the fund. Any balance remaining in
the fund at the end of any fiscal year must be carried forward to
the next fiscal year.__The fund is a dedicated, special revenue

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