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section 6.__The pass entitles the holder, and the holder's spouse
and children when accompanied by the holder, to admission free of
charge to all state parks and historic sites for the period
described in Title 37-B, section 6.__This section is repealed June
30, 2010.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §10853, sub-§13 is enacted to read:

13.__Certain veterans.__The commissioner shall enter into a
memorandum of agreement with the Department of Defense, Veterans
and Emergency Management for the issuance of a free resident
hunting license and a free resident fishing license to each
veteran determined by the Department of Defense, Veterans and
Emergency Management to meet the criteria established in Title
37-B, section 6 and other criteria for issuance of licenses.__
Each license is valid for the period described in Title 37-B,
section 6.__This subsection is repealed June 30, 2010.

Sec. 3. 37-B MRSA §6 is enacted to read:

§6.__Issuance of free day use pass and licenses

The Commissioner of Defense, Veterans and Emergency
Management, in accordance with a memorandum of agreement entered
into with the Commissioner of Conservation and this section,
shall issue a free day use pass to state parks and historic sites
to eligible veterans.__The commissioner, in accordance with a
memorandum of agreement entered into with the Commissioner of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and this section, shall issue a
free fishing license and free hunting license to eligible
veterans who meet other criteria of the Department of Inland
Fisheries and Wildlife for the issuance of licenses.

1.__Eligibility.__The Department of Defense, Veterans and
Emergency Management shall determine, based on an examination of
an individual's discharge certificate from active duty services,
also known as the DD214, whether the following criteria are met:

A.__The person is a resident of this State;

B.__The person received an honorable discharge or general
discharge under honorable conditions; and

C.__Between October 1, 2001 and January 1, 2010, while a
member of the Maine National Guard or an active or reserve
member of the uniformed services as defined in 10 United
States Code, Section 101(a)(5), the person served for a
minimum of 3 continuous months outside the United States

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