LD 981
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LR 928
Item 1

The Department of Health and Human Services may administer a
program of Medicaid coverage for speech and hearing services,
psychological services, occupational therapy and any other services
provided by the Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing and the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf that qualify
for reimbursement under the United States Social Security Act,
Title XIX. The Department of Education has fiscal responsibility
for providing the State's match for federal revenues acquired under
this section. Any funds received as Medicaid reimbursement must be
retained by the Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing and the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf.

Sec. 14. 22 MRSA §4088, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 265, §4, is
amended to read:

7. Access to records related to Maine Educational Center for
the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Governor Baxter School for
the Deaf. Notwithstanding Title 20-A, section 6101, subsection
2, when the team is conducting an investigation of a person at
the Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and
the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf who is subject to
licensure by the Department of Education, the Maine Educational
Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Governor Baxter
School for the Deaf and the Department of Education shall
disclose to the team records related to:

A. Background checks related to the person;

B. The person's credentials;

C. Any conduct on the part of the person related to the
allegation; and

D. Any action taken by the Maine Educational Center for the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Governor Baxter School for
the Deaf or the Department of Education in response to
conduct of any person at the Maine Educational Center for
the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Governor Baxter School
for the Deaf that is similar to the allegation.

Sec. 15. 26 MRSA §962, sub-§7, ķA, as amended by PL 2003, c. 646, §3,
is further amended to read:

A. Any officer, board, commission, council, committee or
other persons or body acting on behalf of:

(1) Any municipality or any subdivision of a

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