LD 508
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LR 2172
Item 1

Sec. C-6. Department of Administrative and Financial Services; lease-purchase
authorization. Pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5,
section 1587, the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer may enter into
financing arrangements in fiscal years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-
07 for the acquisition of a statewide accounting and purchasing
system, including software, hardware and peripherals, and
contractual services associated with the implementation and
deployment of the system. The financing agreements may not exceed
$10,000,000 in principal costs, and no financing arrangement may
exceed 5 years in duration. The interest rate may not exceed 7%.
The annual principal and interest costs must be paid from the
appropriate line category allocations in the Information Services


Sec. D-1. Transfer from unappropriated surplus at close of fiscal year 2004-05.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, at the close of
fiscal year 2004-05 the State Controller shall transfer up to
$8,122,000 available from the unappropriated surplus of the
General Fund to the Baxter Compensation Authority account in the
General Fund after all required deductions of appropriations,
budgeted financial commitments and adjustments considered
necessary by the State Controller have been made and as the next
priority after the transfers required pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 5, sections 1507, 1511, 1513 and 1517.

Sec. D-2. Purpose. Transfers made to the Baxter Compensation
Authority pursuant to this Part must be expended for claims of
former students of the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf and
the Maine School for the Deaf.

Sec. D-3. Transfer. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 5, section 1585, or any other provision of law, the amount
transferred pursuant to this Part is considered an adjustment to
appropriations in fiscal year 2005-06. These funds may be
allotted by financial order upon recommendation of the State
Budget Officer and approval of the Governor.


Sec. E-1. Maine Microenterprise Initiative Fund. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, $315,000 of the unencumbered balance forward in
fiscal year 2003-04 in the Maine Microenterprise Initiative Fund
account in the Department of

Economic and Community Development lapses to the General Fund in
fiscal year 2004-05.

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