LD 1572
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LR 545
Item 1

G. That a dealer, processor, broker, agent or retailer to
whom any consignment is made has reconsigned such
consignment to another dealer, processor, broker, agent or
retailer and has received, collected or charged by such
means more than one commission for making the sale therefor
for the consignor without written consent of such consignor;

H. That the licensee knowingly made any false material
statements in the procurement of such license;

I. That the applicant or licensee has not accounted
promptly and properly to the producer with regard to any
claim settled or collected by the applicant or licensee for
such producer;

J. That the applicant or licensee has failed or refused,
upon demand, to permit the commissioner or the
commissioner's agents to make the investigations,
examinations or audits as provided in this Article or that
the applicant or licensee has removed or sequestered any
books, records or papers necessary to any such
investigations, examinations or audits, or has otherwise
obstructed the same;

K. That the licensee has failed or refused to keep and
maintain the records as required by this Article;

L. That the applicant or licensee has committed any act or
conduct with regard to the handling, sale or storage of
potatoes or rotation crops whether of the same or different
character than specified in this subsection, which
constitutes or demonstrates bad faith, incompetency or
untrustworthiness, or dishonest, fraudulent or improper
dealings; or

M. That the applicant or licensee has failed to deliver to
the seller the confirmation required by section 1022 within
the time specified.; or

N.__That the applicant or licensee has failed to maintain a
bond to ensure financial responsibility to producers or
other licensees as required under section 1015.

The District Court may, in a manner consistent with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act, suspend or revoke a license upon
finding any of the enumerated violations within 2 years of the
date of the filing of a complaint.

Sec. 3. 7 MRSA §1017, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1997, c. 606, §11 and
PL 1999, c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is

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