LD 449
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LR 416
Item 1

into to a zone qualified business activity from a location
nonqualified activity elsewhere in the State;

D. Pine Tree Development Zone benefits may not be provided
based upon any property, employees or positions transferred
by the business or affiliated businesses into to a Pine Tree
Development Zone qualified business activity from a location
elsewhere in the State nonqualified activity;

E. A Pine Tree Development Zone may not consist of more
than 20 noncontiguous parcels of property;

F. All property included within the boundaries of a Pine
Tree Development Zone must be suitable for one One or more
qualified Pine Tree Development Zone business activities
must be a permissible activity in the Pine Tree Development

G. All property included within a Pine Tree Development
Zone must meet one of the following:

(1) The property is located within a market area for
which the labor market unemployment rate is greater
than the state unemployment rate at the time of the
application; or

(2) The property is included within a county in which
the average weekly wage is below the state average
weekly wage at the time of the application.

In the case of a multijurisdictional or joint application,
the requirements of this paragraph are met if the combined
unemployment rate of the cooperating units of local
government meets the requirements of subparagraph (1) or the
average weekly wage of the cooperating units of local
government, on a per-employed-worker basis, meets the
requirements of subparagraph (2); and

H. The restrictions contained in paragraph G may be waived
for property that is contained within a labor market area
that has sustained a greater than 5% loss of population or
employed workers during the 3-year period immediately
preceding the time of application if the loss was caused by
business closings.

Sec. 6. 30-A MRSA §5250-K, sub-§§3 and 5, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 688,
Pt. D, §2, are amended to read:

3. Effective date. The establishment of a Pine Tree
Development Zone is effective upon preliminary designation by the

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