LD 1402
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LR 174
Item 1

If the court appoints a limited guardian, the court shall specify
the duties and powers of the guardian, as required in section 5-
105, and the parental rights and responsibilities retained by the
parent of the minor.

Sec. 3. 18-A MRSA §5-206, as amended by PL 1993, c. 686, §2 and
affected by §13, is further amended to read:

§5-206. Court appointment of guardian of minor;

qualifications; priority of minor's nominee

The court may appoint as guardian any person, or as
coguardians more than one person, whose appointment is in the
best interests interest of the minor. The court shall set forth
in the order of appointment the basis for determining that the
appointment is in the best interest of the minor. The court
shall appoint a person nominated by the minor, if the minor is 14
years of age or older, unless the court finds the appointment
contrary to the best interests interest of the minor. The court
may not appoint a guardian for a minor child who will be removed
from this State for the purpose of adoption.

Sec. 4. 18-A MRSA §5-211, sub-§(b), as enacted by PL 1979, c. 540, §1,
is amended to read:

(b) If the court located where the ward resides is not the
court in which acceptance of appointment is filed, the court in
which proceedings subsequent to appointment are commenced shall
in all appropriate cases notify the other court, in this or
another state, and after consultation with that court determine
whether to retain jurisdiction or transfer he the proceedings to
the other court, whichever is in the best interest of the ward. A
copy of any order accepting a resignation or removing a guardian
shall must be sent to the court in which acceptance of
appointment is filed.

Sec. 5. 18-A MRSA §5-212, sub-§(d), as enacted by PL 1995, c. 623, §2,
is amended to read:

(d) The court may not terminate the guardianship in the
absence of the guardian's consent unless the court finds by a
preponderance of the evidence that the termination is in the best
interest of the ward. The guardian petitioner has the burden of
showing by a preponderance of the evidence that continuation
termination of the guardianship is in the best interest of the

ward. If the court does not terminate the guardianship, the
court may dismiss subsequent petitions for termination of the
guardianship unless there has been a substantial change of

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