LD 216
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LR 275
Item 1

receive an initial redistribution equivalent to that received
by Maine producers who are members of eligible marketing
cooperatives. The commissioner shall consider the following

(1) The gross rate of redistribution used by eligible
marketing cooperatives to calculate payment to their

(2) Reasonable administrative and other charges deducted
by eligible marketing cooperatives from the
redistributions made to their members;

(3) The timing of the redistributions made by an eligible
marketing cooperative to its members; and

(4) Such other factors as may be relevant to the goal of
achieving, insofar as practicable, price equity among

B. The commissioner shall redistribute the remainder of the
over-order premium amount paid into the Maine Milk Pool
under subsection 2, paragraph C on an equal basis to
eligible Maine market producers and eligible Boston market
producers; except that if any Maine market producer or
Boston market producer receives an additional premium other
than one attributable to the activity of an eligible
marketing cooperative, the commissioner shall credit that
additional premium against the redistribution to which that
producer would otherwise be entitled under this paragraph in
order to avoid potential inequities arising from equal

C. If the commissioner determines that the basis for
redistribution adopted by an eligible marketing cooperative
is disadvantageous to Maine producers belonging to that
cooperative, that the cooperative has not made
redistributions to its Maine members in a timely manner or
that the administrative or other fees deducted by the
cooperative from redistributions to its member members are
excessive, unjust or unreasonable, he the commissioner may
commence proceedings to revoke the eligible status of the
cooperative pursuant to section 3152, subsection 6 3155-B.

D. The commissioner shall, by rule, adopt such procedures as are
necessary to implement this subsection. If the commissioner
determines that payments from the pool will be made to dairies,
cooperatives or some other entity as a representative of
producers, then the dairy, cooperative or other representative
shall pay to the producer the amount

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