LD 1677
pg. 115
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LR 2150
Item 1

those school administrative units and municipalities that are able
to demonstrate significant and sustainable savings in the cost of
delivering educational services and improved student achievement
through changes in governance, administrative structure or adopted
policy that result in the creation of consolidated school
administrative units, broad-based purchasing alliances, enhanced
regional delivery of educational services or collaborative school-
municipal service delivery or service support systems.

Beginning in fiscal year 2005-06 2007-08, the Legislature shall
annually, prior to March 15th, enact legislation to allocate
State Controller shall transfer at the beginning of each fiscal
year from General Fund undedicated revenue the following amounts
calculated based on the amount appropriated for general purpose
aid for local schools to the fund during each of the following
fiscal years:

A. In fiscal year 2005-06, an amount equivalent to 0.83% of
the total amount appropriated for general purpose aid for
local schools;

B. In fiscal year 2006-07, an amount equivalent to 0.69% of
the total amount appropriated for general purpose aid for
local schools;

C. In fiscal year 2007-08, an amount equivalent to 1.5% of
the total amount appropriated for general purpose aid for
local schools; and

D. In fiscal year 2008-09 and each fiscal year thereafter,
an amount equivalent to 2% of the total amount appropriated
for general purpose aid for local schools.

Any balance remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year
does not lapse and must be carried forward for the next fiscal

Sec. E-2. PL 2005, c. 12, Pt. D, §4 is repealed.

Sec. E-3. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.


Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services Z005

Initiative: Deallocates funds for the Fund for the Efficient
Delivery of Educational Services in fiscal year 2006-07.

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