LD 1677
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LR 2150
Item 1

Sec. H-5. 5 MRSA §1811, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1985, c. 158, §1, is

Sec. H-6. 5 MRSA §1811, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1991, c. 528, Pt.
III, §12 and affected by Pt. RRR and amended by c. 591, Pt. III,
§12, is repealed.

Sec. H-7. 5 MRSA §1811, sub-§9, as amended by PL 2005, c. 12, Pt. T,
§9, is repealed.

Sec. H-8. 5 MRSA §1813, sub-§6, as amended by PL 2003, c. 37, §1 and
c. 689, Pt. B, §6, is further amended to read:

6. Surplus property. Providing for transfer of supplies,
materials and equipment that are surplus from one state
department or agency to another that may need them, and for the
disposal by private and public sale of supplies, materials and
equipment that are obsolete and unusable. Political
subdivisions, educational institutions, fire departments or
qualifying nonprofit organizations, as defined in section 1813-A
1828, subsection 1, must be given an opportunity to purchase the
surplus items through private sale. If 2 or more political
subdivisions, educational institutions, fire departments or
qualifying nonprofit organizations are interested in any item,
the sale must be the result of competitive bid. Any equipment so
purchased must be retained for a period of at least one year in a
current ongoing program. Any item purchased by a political
subdivision, educational institution, fire department or
qualifying nonprofit organization under this section may not be
sold or transferred by that political subdivision, educational
institution, fire department or qualifying nonprofit organization
for a period of 6 months from the date of the private sale,
except that a qualifying nonprofit organization that contracts
with the Department of Health and Human Services to provide
vehicles to low-income families may resell a passenger vehicle or
light truck purchased in the private sale to a low-income family

to assist it in participating in work, education or training
pursuant to the qualifying nonprofit organization's contract with
the Department of Health and Human Services. The State reserves

the right to refuse to sell additional equipment to a political
subdivision, educational institution, fire department or
qualifying nonprofit organization if it is determined that the
political subdivision, educational institution, fire department
or qualifying nonprofit organization has not retained the
equipment for the required period of 6 months;

Sec. H-9. 5 MRSA §1813-A, as amended by PL 2003, c. 37, §§2 and 3;
c. 545, §5; and c. 689, Pt. B, §6, is repealed.

Sec. H-10. 5 MRSA c. 155-A is enacted to read:

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