LD 1677
pg. 123
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LR 2150
Item 1

subsection 3, paragraph C and make this information available
to state agencies;

C.__Require all state agencies not exempted under subsection
3, paragraph C and their employees to use the Central Fleet
Management Division when transportation is required.
Employees requesting to use personal vehicles on state
business are required to seek an exemption from the Central
Fleet Management Division;

D.__Acquire or replace Central Fleet Management Division
vehicles in accordance with an established vehicle
replacement policy;

E.__Transfer motor vehicles from other agencies, purchase,
lease, lease-purchase or enter into other financing
agreements, in accordance with section 1587, for the
acquisition or replacement of motor vehicles in accordance
with subsection 3 when it can be demonstrated that any such
action or agreement provides a clear cost or program
advantage to the State;

F.__Establish facilities to store and maintain motor
vehicles; and

G.__Devise a mechanism for the distribution of fuel by
competitive bidding by commercial vendor, by the use of
existing state-owned fueling facilities and the
establishment of a statewide credit card system.

3.__Standards; specifications. The Bureau of General Services
shall establish the following:

A.__Standards for vehicle operation;

B.__Specifications for vehicles to be acquired by the State;

C.__Standards for the exemption or waiver of state agencies
from the requirements of this section. The Director of the
Bureau of General Services may provide a waiver to an agency
or an employee requiring the services of the Central Fleet
Management Division or the standards and criteria
established under this section if the director concludes
that such a waiver is in the best economic interest of the
State or critical agency mission.

Standards developed for use of Central Fleet Management Division
services by all state agencies not exempted under paragraph C and
employees of any such agency must be available for inspection at

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