LD 1677
pg. 133
Page 132 of 158 PUBLIC Law Chapter 386 Page 134 of 158
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LR 2150
Item 1

2. Maine State Museum Endowment for Publishing.__The Maine
State Museum Endowment for Publishing is established.__On an
annual basis, a percentage of the proceeds from the museum sales
program's revolving fund established in subsection 1 may be
deposited in the Maine State Museum Endowment for Publishing to
be invested by the Treasurer of State according to the laws
governing the investment of trust funds.__The percentage
deposited must be determined by the Museum Director and approved
by the Maine State Museum Commission after the director ensures
that the funds remaining in the revolving fund are sufficient to
sustain the museum sales program in a fiscally sound manner.

As determined by the Museum Director, the endowment's principal
and interest may be used periodically to fund all or part of the
costs of preparation, design and printing of museum publications
that will be sold or distributed through the museum sales

Private donations or grant funds to support the museum's
publishing program may also be deposited into the endowment
established in this subsection.


Sec. N-1. Vacancy report. The Department of Administrative and
Financial Services shall review vacant positions and the
reclassification and reorganization process throughout State
Government, regardless of funding source. The department shall
submit a report to the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations
and Financial Affairs by January 15, 2006 with any
recommendations for position eliminations.


Sec. O-1. Commission established. The Commission to Reform the State
Budget Process, referred to in this section as "the commission,"
is established.

1. Commission membership. The commission consists of 12
members appointed as follows:

A. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial
Services or a designee;

B. The State Budget Officer;

C. The State Controller;

D. The Director of the State Planning Office or a designee;

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