LD 1677
pg. 137
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LR 2150
Item 1

Plan for the costs of collective bargaining agreements for
employees of the Maine Community College System in amounts not to
exceed $731,740 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $1,583,959 in fiscal
year 2006-07.

Sec. Q-2. Transfer from General Fund Salary Plan; Governor Baxter School for the
Deaf. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5,
section 1676 or any other provision of law, in fiscal year 2005-
06 and fiscal year 2006-07 the Governor Baxter School for the
Deaf may receive transfers from the General Fund Salary Plan for
the costs of collective bargaining agreements for employees of
the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf in amounts not to exceed
$97,247 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $197,411 in fiscal year 2006-


Sec. R-1. 4 MRSA §§1402 and 1403, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 853, Pt.
C, §§15 and 18, are repealed and the following enacted in their

§1402. General provisions

1.__Application.__The retirement benefits of all judges who
retired prior to December 1, 1984 are governed by this chapter.

2.__Administration.__Beginning on the effective date of this
subsection, this chapter is administered by the Board of Trustees
of the Maine State Retirement System.__The trustees and the
system are entitled to rely upon the books, records and reports
provided to the board with respect to the payments, liabilities,
beneficiary designations and all transactions conducted prior to
the effective date of this subsection, and must be indemnified
and held harmless by the State with respect to any such matters.__
On and after the effective date of this subsection, the Board of
Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System is responsible for
the payment of the retirement allowance under this section from
the pre-1984 judicial retirement fund.

§1403. Funding

1. No contributions.__Benefits provided by this chapter are
funded solely by the State. No contribution may be required of
any judge.

2. Appropriations.__The Board of Trustees of the Maine State
Retirement System shall forward to the Executive Department for
inclusion in its budget request an estimate of the amount needed
to be appropriated to the pre-1984 judicial retirement fund that

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