LD 1677
pg. 157
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LR 2150
Item 1


Sec. FF-1. 22 MRSA §3174-HH is enacted to read:

§3174-HH.__MaineCare reimbursement for ambulance services

The department shall reimburse for ambulance services under
MaineCare at a level that is not less than the average allowable
reimbursement rate under Medicare for such services or at the
highest percent of that level that is possible within resources
appropriated for those purposes.

Sec. FF-2. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.



Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147

Initiative: Appropriates and allocates funds to meet a projected
shortfall in MaineCare funding for fiscal year 2004-05 and
reduces MaineCare appropriations for the federal medical
assistance percentage decrease appropriated in Part A.

GENERAL FUND2004-052005-062006-07

All Other$24,400,000$0 ($10,000,000)


GENERAL FUND TOTAL$24,400,000$0 ($10,000,000)

FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND2004-052005-062006-07

All Other$45,654,551$0 ($16,954,178)

FEDERAL EXPENDITURES________________________________

FUND TOTAL$45,654,551$0 ($16,954,178)

Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147

Initiative: Appropriates and allocates funds for MaineCare
reimbursement for ambulance services.

GENERAL FUND2004-052005-062006-07

All Other$0$300,000$300,000


GENERAL FUND TOTAL$0$300,000$300,000

FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FUND2004-052005-062006-07

All Other$0$519,672$508,625

FEDERAL EXPENDITURES______________________________

FUND TOTAL$0$519,672$508,625

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