LD 1618
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LR 487
Item 1

low-cost drug program under section 254 shall pay a fee of $1,000
per calendar year to the department.__Fees collected under this
subsection must be used to cover the cost of overseeing
implementation of this section, including but not limited to
maintaining links to publicly accessible websites to which
manufacturers are posting clinical trial information under
subsection 3 and other relevant sites, assessing whether and the
extent to which Maine residents have been harmed by the use of a
particular drug and undertaking the public education initiative
under subsection 5.__Revenues received under this subsection must
be deposited into an Other Special Revenue Funds account to be
used for the purposes of this subsection.

5.__Public education initiative.__The department shall
undertake a public education initiative to inform residents of
the State about clinical trials and drug safety information.

6. Penalties.__A violation of this section is a violation of
the Maine Unfair Trade Practices Act.__Each day a manufacturer is
in violation of this chapter is considered a separate violation.

7.__Rulemaking.__The department may adopt rules to implement
this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 2. Report. By January 15, 2007, the Department of Health and
Human Services shall report to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human
services matters regarding compliance with the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 22, section 2700-A, the completeness and ease of
public access to information provided by the drug manufacturers
and the need for further action or legislation.

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