LD 1659
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LR 2132
Item 1

Sec. 3. Relationship between law enforcement agencies and homeless. The
Commissioner of Public Safety and the Attorney General shall
review the relationship between law enforcement agencies and
people who are homeless and shall explore methods of encouraging
law enforcement agencies in communities with significant homeless
populations or that have homeless shelters within their areas of
jurisdiction to take concrete and meaningful steps to improve
relations with people who are homeless and their advocates. As
part of their review, the commissioner and the Attorney General
shall consider ways to encourage regular meetings between law
enforcement officers and advocates, representatives of the
homeless community and people who are homeless to discuss issues
of concern to the homeless community, the status of pending cases
when appropriate and issues raised by the law enforcement agency.

The commissioner and the Attorney General shall report back to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over judiciary matters during the First Regular
Session of the 123rd Legislature on the results of their review
and the status of the relationship between law enforcement
agencies and people who are homeless.

Sec. 4. Working group regarding aggravating sentencing factors for crimes against
persons who are homeless. The Office of the Attorney General shall
convene a working group to examine the advisability of
implementing aggravating sentencing factors for crimes against
people who are homeless. The Office of the Attorney General
shall invite members of the judicial branch, representatives from
the Office of the Attorney General, representatives from at least
2 district attorneys' offices and any other parties the Office of
the Attorney General considers appropriate to participate in the
working group. No later than January 15, 2006, the working group
shall report its findings and recommendations to the Joint
Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety. Upon
review of the findings, the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal
Justice and Public Safety may report out implementing
legislation, if necessary.

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