LD 1325
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LR 1609
Item 1

A. "Elderly low-cost drug program" means the program
established as part of the Healthy Maine Prescription Program
pursuant to section 254 254-D.

Sec. C-3. 22 MRSA §2681, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 786, Pt. A,
§3, is amended to read:

3. Rebate agreement. A drug manufacturer or labeler that
sells prescription drugs in this State through the elderly low-
cost drug program under section 254 254-D or any other publicly
supported pharmaceutical assistance program shall enter into a
rebate agreement with the department for this program. The
rebate agreement must require the manufacturer or labeler to make
rebate payments to the State each calendar quarter or according
to a schedule established by the department.

Sec. C-4. 22 MRSA §2681, sub-§9, as amended by PL 2003, c. 494, §8, is
further amended to read:

9. Dedicated fund. The Maine Rx Plus Dedicated Fund,
referred to in this section as the "fund," is established to
receive revenue from manufacturers and labelers who pay rebates
as provided in subsection 4 and any appropriations or allocations
designated for the fund. The purposes of the fund are to
reimburse retail pharmacies for discounted prices provided to
qualified residents pursuant to subsection 5; to reimburse the
department for contracted services including pharmacy claims
processing fees, administrative and associated computer costs and
other reasonable program costs; and to benefit the elderly low-
cost drug program under section 254 254-D. The fund is a
nonlapsing dedicated fund. Interest on fund balances accrues to
the fund. Surplus funds in the fund must be used for the benefit
of the program. Notwithstanding Title 5, section 1585, surplus
funds may also be transferred to the elderly low-cost drug
program established under section 254 254-D.

Sec. C-5. 22 MRSA §3174-G, sub-§1-B, as amended by PL 2001, c. 650,
§2, is further amended to read:

1-B. Funding. State funds necessary to implement subsection
1-C must include General Fund appropriations and Other Special
Revenue allocations from the Fund for a Healthy Maine to the
elderly low-cost drug program operated pursuant to section 254
254-D, including rebates received in that program from
pharmaceutical manufacturers, that are no longer needed in that
program as a result of the Medicaid waiver obtained pursuant to
subsection 1-C.

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